Blog Post About Me

April 10, 2022

This past semester has been a great learning experience for me. I have developed many new necessary skills that I will take with me throughout my future in scientific research. I started a project with Dr. Jeffery Albert about Causal Mediation, titled: Sensitivity Analysis for Generalized Causal Mediation: Extending the GMediation R Package. This project taught me about the interworkings of creating an R package from scratch and the amount of work that goes into that.

In addition, I was given the opportunity to shadow Dr. David Kaelber throughout this day in various clinics. This was insightful to me to be able to see how technology plays a constant roll in the clinical setting and how necessary it is to have a successful clinic visit. In addition, I am working on a project using TriNetX to study descriptive statistics about Opioid Use in the United States.

Lastly, I am working with Dr. Dana Crawford to develop a study about Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and COVID positive patients to see if the HbA1c levels have an impact on the degree of COVID severity for CKD patients.

I am very grateful for these opportunities to learn from such experienced researchers in the field, and I look forward to where these endeavors take me.